Bishop Alfred Schlert prayed for the sick, and for all health care workers providing their care, as he celebrated Mass Saturday afternoon in the chapel of the Sacred Heart Campus of St. Luke’s Hospital, Allentown.
“Today we all turn our thoughts and prayers to those who are sick and those who are ministering to them," the Bishop in his Homily. “When this is all over, it will be the medical professionals, like the first responders after 9-11, who will be seen as the heroes.”
The Bishop thanked the staff of the hospital for agreeing to his request to celebrate Mass at the hospital this weekend. “We are incredibly grateful to the Bishop for the generosity and love he showed today by coming here,” said Carolee Gifford, chaplain.
The Bishops of Pennsylvania have suspended the Mass obligation for those who do not feel comfortable attending. The Diocese has provided information on what it has done to prevent the spread of disease at Mass, and has provided some guidelines and advice for celebrants and attendees. See articles elsewhere on AD Today for information.
It’s possible that some Mass schedules will change, so the faithful are advised to check with their parish for details.
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