His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert, has made the following Episcopal Appointments upon today’s Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate. All of these appointments are effective, Tuesday, 1 October 2024:
Deacon Patrick B. Alba to Holy Trinity Parish, Whitehall.
Deacon Mark T. Brezina to Saint Benedict Parish, Mohnton.
Deacon Timothy Ferguson to Holy Guardian Angels Parish, Reading.
Deacon Carlos Fernandez to Holy Infancy Parish, Bethlehem.
Deacon James S. Friend to Cathedral Parish of Saint Catharine of Siena, Allentown.
Deacon Diomedes B. Matos to Saint Paul Parish, Allentown.
Deacon John A. Matulevich to Saint Clare of Assisi Parish, Saint Clair and Holy Cross Parish, New Philadelphia.
Deacon Daniel J. Osle to Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Sinking Spring.
Deacon Jaime Peña to Saint Peter the Apostle Parish, Reading.
Deacon Carlos A. Pinto to Saint Paul Parish, Reading and Saint Joseph Parish, Reading.
Deacon Robert A. Reiley to Saint Patrick Parish, Pottsville and Saint John the Baptist Parish, Pottsville.
Deacon Bernard D. Servagno to Saint Ann Parish, Emmaus.
Deacon John M. Sutter to Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Frackville and Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, Ashland.
Deacon James Wallaesa to Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Easton and Saint Anthony of Padua Parish, Easton.
Deacon Thomas Weber to Sacred Heart Parish, Bath.
His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert has made the following diaconal assignments, effective 1 October 2024:
Deacon Michael W. Kudla from Saint Nicholas Parish, Walnutport to Saint Peter Parish, Coplay and Saint John the Baptist Parish, Whitehall.
Deacon David K. Rohner from Saint Ursula Parish, Fountain Hill to Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish, Hellertown.
His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert has accepted the following Deacons retirements from active ministry:
Deacon Jose F. DeCastro, Saint Paul Parish, Allentown to Retired Deacon, effective 15 November 2024.
Deacon Lewis T. Ferris, Sacred Heart Parish, Bath to Retired Deacon, effective 1 October 2024.
Deacon Craig A. Fry, Saint Catharine of Siena Parish, Reading to Retired Deacon, effective 1 October 2024.
Deacon Mariano Torres, Saint Peter the Apostle Parish, Reading to Retired Deacon, effective 31 October 2024.
His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert has appointed the following priests to the College of Consultors for a term of five years, effective 9 September 2024:
Reverend Monsignor William F. Baver
Reverend Monsignor William F. Glosser, V.F.
Reverend John C. Maria
Reverend Keith A. Mathur
Very Reverend Brian M. Miller, V.F.
Very Reverend Anthony P. Mongiello, V.F.
Very Reverend Eugene P. Ritz, V.E.
Reverend Monsignor Daniel J. Yenushosky, V.G.
Reverend Monsignor Edward R. Zemanik
His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert has appointed the following priests to the Council of Priests for a term of three years, effective 16 September 2024:
Reverend Monsignor William F. Baver
Reverend Monsignor Victor F. Finelli, V.J. Reverend Abraham Ha
Reverend Allen J. Hoffa
Reverend Miguel Ramirez
Reverend Monsignor Edward R. Zemanik
His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert has ratified the following election results for the Council of Priests, effective 16 September 2024:
Reverend David J. Loeper, Berks Deanery Pastor Representative.
Reverend Robert T. Finlan, Schuylkill Deanery Pastor Representative.
Reverend Nikolai R. Brelinsky, Parochial Vicar Representative.
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