Cooks With Collars: Get Some Before It's All Gone

Can you really make brownies in a waffle iron?

And can you make macaroni and cheese in there too?

The answers to these kitchen questions and many other culinary conundrums await at, where priests of the Diocese of Allentown serve up their best cooking videos for all to enjoy.

The website is like a well-stocked cupboard of goodness: Grandma’s Christmas Eve Soup here, Hungarian Goulash there, and even two different recipes for Boilo, the 100-proof adult holiday beverage popular in the Diocese’s northern counties.

Cooks With Collars, in its second year, also has a very international feel this year. Browse among the 35 videos and you will find priests making dishes inspired by the cooking of Ireland, India, Portugal, Africa, India, and more, in addition to the aforementioned Italian and Hungarian delicacies.

Cooks with Collars runs through March 1, so there’s still plenty of time to graze on the tasty offerings, and vote for your favorites by making a donation on the site.

Money raised by Cooks With Collars benefits participating parishes and Catholic Charities.

And by the way, if you want the answer to the waffle iron question posed above, check out this video from Father Michael Mullins, pastor of St. Paul Parish in Allentown.

Photos with this article:

Top: Father Giuseppe Esposito, assistant pastor of St. Thomas More, Allentown, with Father John Pendzick, pastor. In the St. Thomas More video, Father Esposito prepares Pasta Carbonara. He also makes cameo appearances in other videos, so far including Father Richard James, pastor of Most Blessed Sacrament, Bally, making Pasta alla Norma; and Father Anthony Mongiello, pastor of St. Anne, Bethlehem, making meatballs.

Below (Left to Right): Father Joseph Kweder, pastor of St. Rocco Parish, Martins Creek, stirs a pot of Hungarian Goulash; Father Keith Laskowski, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua, Easton, making pasta with chick peas; and Fathers Philip Rodgers, pastor, and Barnabas Shayo, assistant pastor, of St. Patrick, Pottsville, making banana beer.


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