Here is this week's installment of "Five Faith Friday" which contains five, faith-based things I found interesting and am sharing on Friday.
Where I Visited --
The Cross in the Woods - location of the world's largest crucifix. Check out some of my picture highlights! There are statues of St. Peregrine, St. Francis, St. Kateri, and more. It also contains America's largest display of religious orders consisting of 525 dolls and 21 mannequins dressed in the habits of nuns, priest, and brothers from around the globe.
What Images I Saw --
These two from the Greek Air Force, who proudly have painted St. Michael the Archangel on some of their fighter planes. St. Michael is the patron saint of paratroopers from across the globe. Why is Saint Michael so important to airborne troops?
What Organization I'm Checking out --
The Christus Vincit Foundation. "The Christus Vincit Foundation supports the growth of the Traditional Latin Mass across the globe. Through the generosity of donors like you, CVF provides matching grants to communities and organizations restoring the sacred traditions of the Catholic Church." They operate a podcast off of their website and my favorite part is the projects section. Right now they are working to restore a original 1891 Hutchings pipe organ, to publish a 20-volume collection of remastered, traditional catechisms, and to launch a dedicated Catholic search engine for traditional catechesis.
What I'm Reflecting On --
Alcohol consumption - specifically getting drunk. Outside of pornography and masturbation, it (gluttony) might be one of the next most common mortal sins among men. Can you drink? Of course. After all, Jesus's very first public miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding... it's simple logic that He wasn't doing so in order to make people sin. But those who drink need to do so in moderation. If you purposely drink past the point of "feeling it" then chances are you've drank to the point of gluttony. Monsignor Charles Pope has a nice article on gluttony that you can find here. The most thought provoking analysis of drinking and at what point it becomes a sin is Matt Fradd's Pints With Aquinas episode all around drinking alcohol. He outlines St. Thomas Aquinas's thoughts on the topic.
What News Was Deplorable --
How the Department of Health and Human Services gave at least $2.7 million to the University of Pittsburgh for a tissue bank with organs from children who were aborted, according to a report from Judicial Watch. In 2015, the University of Pittsburgh told HHS that it had been "collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years … includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders."
Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and your family!
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