Here is this week's installment of "Five Faith Friday" which contains five, faith-based things I found interesting and am sharing on Friday.
What Quote I'm Reflecting On --
"With the abortion ban coming into effect in Texas, the pro-abortion folks are weeping and wailing because there will be fewer babies killed. These people are demonic. Pure evil. No other way to put it. Abortion is not a matter of "reproductive rights." By the time the abortion happens, reproduction has already occurred. Abortion kills the child that has been reproduced. It does not prevent him from being reproduced. I have seen words like “devastating,” “tragic,” “infuriating,” and “catastrophic,” used to describe this law that will simply allow more children to be born. This is anti-human, anti-life, anti-family, anti-child. And they don’t even try to hide it. All through history, there have always been groups of people pointing to other groups of people and claiming that those people are not real people. In our age, the pro-abortion side makes this argument. And it’s just as wrong as it’s always been." -Matt Walsh
What I Bought More Of --
Tiny Saints. The kids absolutely love these and with the start of the new school year we allowed them to pick another one to purchase and add to their bookbag.
What I Want To Check Out --
The “Real Presence in the Eucharist" exhibit coming to the National Centre for Padre Pio in Barto, PA during the month of October. The exhibit, created by recently Beatified Carlo Acutis (who I have written about before), consists of over 100 panels presenting the principal Eucharistic Miracles that have taken place over the centuries in various countries of the world and which have been recognized by the Church. Learning this information will help one to understand what we as Catholics believe: Christ is present body, blood, soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist!
Speaking of Padre Pio, Shia LaBeouf is going to play him in an upcoming film!
What Poem I Read --
"Bring them anyway"
Babies will cry and cause distraction from the Liturgy of the Word and people might give you disapproving looks,
Bring the babies to Mass anyway…
Toddlers will drop the kneeler so loudly it will shake the church and make a B-line for the altar,
Take them to Mass anyway…
Pre-schoolers will take off their shoes, touch everyone constantly and request more than one trip to the bathroom,
Bring them to church anyway…
Young children will not pray or pay attention to the homily,
Dress them nicely and bring them to pray anyway….
Pre-teens and tweens will spend a ton of time looking for their friends in the pews and won’t remember anything from the readings,
Bring them to be present at Mass anyway…
Teens will question why, roll their eyes at sitting up front and not be in agreement with many things you hold dear,
Tell them to get ready and bring them to Mass with you anyway…
You see, in the final analysis, no matter what state of life any of us are in, Jesus died for us anyway…
What Book I Read --
From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age by the University of Mary. It was a pretty solid book although I liked A Church In Crisis: A Path Forward by Ralph Martin better. From the description: "Every human society possesses a moral and spiritual imaginative vision, a set of assumptions and ways of looking at things according to which life proceeds. This essay is an attempt to contribute effective strategies to engage our own time and culture once more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and – for a weary world – to awaken the Catholic imaginative vision."
What Upcoming Events That I'm Attending --
- Wednesday, September 8th at 7pm, in honor of the Nativity of Mary, I'm going to host a men's Catholic beer tasting and rosary night! Please email me to RSVP by Sep 5. Also, my friend Yami is hosting a Women's Rosary, Wine & Cheese Night to celebrate Mary's birthday too at the same night and time at her place. Email her to RSVP.
- On September 13th at 7pm, there is going to be a 1 night book club at St. Jane Frances de Chantal in Easton, PA on The Priests We Need to Save the Church by Kevin Wells book. Even if you can't make it to the book club, you need to read this book
- Saturday, September 18th is the return of AbbeyFest
- Monday, September 27th in Harrisburg there is going to be the first-ever Pennsylvania March For Life. For $10 you can take a bus departing from Bethlehem. Let me know if you are interested
- Saturday, October 9th in Allentown, Kevin Wells, author of The Priests We Need to Save the Church, will be coming to speak at the Cathedral in Allentown, PA
Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and your family!
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