A Waitress, a Busboy, a Friendly Warning, and a Vow -- and That’s Just One Story of How This Year’s Wedding Anniversary Couples Met

Diana was a waitress. Daryl was a busboy who was dating the boss’s daughter. The daughter introduced them, and said to Diana, “This is my boyfriend, so keep your hands off him.” Diana’s reply: “I’m gonna marry him!”

Diana and Daryl, and more than 330 other couples, will be honored when Bishop Alfred Schlert celebrates the annual diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass via livestream at 11 a.m. Sunday. All are welcome to tune in.

The couples celebrating notable anniversaries this year come from more than 70 parishes across the Diocese’s five counties. More than half of them attended a Catholic school.

Just over 150 of the couples have been married over 50 years, and seven have been married for more than 70 years.

The annual Mass is virtual this year because it is always a packed house when it is celebrated in-person. By doing it on-line, all can participate safely from their homes.

Those couples who are celebrating 1-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or 60-plus years of marriage will receive special recognition during the Mass, and will receive a certificate from Bishop Schlert in the mail.

The registration deadline for the special recognition has already passed, but anyone can join in the celebration. Here is where you can watch and pray along:


AD Today: www.ad-today.com
Diocese Website: www.allentowndiocese.org/anniversarymass
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/user/DioceseofAllentown
Diocese Facebook: www.facebook.com/DioceseofAllentown

Service Electric Cable TV: Channel 50 or HD Channel 550
Blue Ridge Cable TV: Channel 13 or HD Channel 613

Please note that because of the Wedding Anniversary Mass, the 10 a.m. Mass from the Cathedral on Sunday Sept. 13 will not be livestreamed.


Mass Livestream