Bishop Alfred Schlert is quarantining at home after testing positive for the Coronavirus.
Bishop Schlert has mild symptoms, and will continue to conduct diocesan business remotely during his recovery period.
Below is the text of a letter he sent this morning notifying diocesan staff.
Dear Esteemed Diocesan Colleagues,
Over the past 20 months, we have known so many, perhaps including ourselves, who have contracted the Coronavirus. I wish to inform you that I am now among that number.
I was exposed to the virus last week at a Confirmation. After learning of the exposure, I immediately self-isolated, sought a Coronavirus test on Friday, and the result was negative. At the advice of medical professionals, I was tested again on Sunday, and that result was positive, despite the fact that I am fully vaccinated and had my booster shot scheduled.
My symptoms are mild at the present time. I am in touch with my doctor, and I have been quarantining.
In consultation with medical professionals, all appropriate steps are being taken to notify anyone with whom I may have come in contact. I will continue my quarantine for the prescribed number of days, and then I will be re-tested.
During this time of isolation, I would like to reassure you that all of you will be in my prayers as you continue with the important work of our Diocese, of our parishes, and of our schools, and other ministries.
I am in good spirits, and I trust in God for a full recovery. I humbly ask for your prayers in the coming days.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert
Bishop of Allentown
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