At a time when more people are hungry, Catholic Charities has created endowment funds for its two soup kitchens to help ensure their operation long into the future.
Endowment funds provide a long-term source of income for a charitable organization.
The two new endowment funds, supporting the Catholic Charities kitchens in Allentown and Pottsville, were established at the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania.
In these days of rising costs, more people are turning to Catholic Charities to make ends meet, said Rob Nicolella, the agency’s Executive Director.
There has been a 35-percent increase in demand for meals at the Allentown kitchen, and a 25-percent increase at the Pottsville location, Nicolella said.
“It is extremely important that we keep these essential community food resources open long into the future,” Nicolella said. “Through these endowment funds, our hope is to serve those in need forever.”
Donors can make gifts to the funds now – through cash, IRA transfers, or with appreciated stock – or in the future, with a gift in a will, a memorial, or by designating the fund as an IRA, investment, or insurance beneficiary.
"The kitchens in Allentown and Pottsville have been feeding the body, mind, and spirit of those in need for a combined 70 years,” said Lisa Geosits, Chair of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors. “With the economic conditions in our region becoming even more challenging, we expect a continued increase in the number of meals served. Donor contributions to both endowment funds will help ensure that the work of the staff and volunteers to feed those in need will continue forever.”
For more information on donating to the Catholic Charities Lehigh Valley Ecumenical Kitchen Fund or the Catholic Charities Schuylkill County Ecumenical Kitchen Fund, please visit or email at
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