The Diocese of Allentown has reaffirmed its strong commitment to the neighborhood around Sacred Heart school in Allentown in a letter to the editor of the Allentown Morning Call newspaper:
To the editor:
A recent letter questioned the Diocese of Allentown’s commitment to the Fourth and Chew neighborhood because the fire-ravaged Sacred Heart school will not be rebuilt. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our commitment to the neighborhood continues, through Sacred Heart Parish and its daily Masses in Spanish and English, through the nearby Catholic Charities soup kitchen, and through the bustling Allentown Central Catholic High School.
Our commitment to the school’s students starts with a warm welcome at a culturally diverse nearby school, and continues with the parish’s pledge to create a $1 million endowment for tuition assistance scholarships for their future Catholic education.
The fire brought the school’s 115-year-run to an end, but the legacy of quality Catholic education, and of unwavering commitment to the neighborhood, will continue long into the future.
Dr. Brooke Tesché
Chancellor of Catholic Education.
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