After collecting 13,272 Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Surveys, the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) created a report of results giving the Diocese of Allentown insight into the attitudes and beliefs, participation, relationships, satisfaction, and demographics of parishioners within the Diocese.
The survey results revealed the following about the respondents within the Diocese: 65% were female, 78% were between the ages of 36 and 75, and 75% had been members of their parish for over 10 years. Additionally, 16% of respondents have school-age children, and of those, 37% enroll their children in Catholic schools.
In general, the Diocese of Allentown's responses were on par with national responses or slightly better. For example, when asked if they would recommend their parish, 56% of the Diocese of Allentown respondents said yes, compared to 53% of respondents from other dioceses across the country. Additionally, 56% of the Diocese of Allentown respondents recommended their parish, compared to 53% from other dioceses.
The survey also demonstrated that the parishioners of the Diocese of Allentown view the Church as an important component of their faith life. They believe the Church can help deepen their spiritual journey and strengthen their connections within the community.
The Survey has helped the Diocese assess the greatest strengths and opportunities, providing a valuable foundation to enhance the spiritual and communal life of parishes.
The following is a summary of the most important results of the DMI Survey for the Diocese of Allentown.
Among the various strengths of the parishes in the Diocese identified in the survey results, the following stand out.
Top 3 by Highest Percentage Strongly Agree
- Belief: 77% of respondents strongly agree that they personally belief that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
- Belief: 74% of respondents strongly agree that they personally belief that Scripture is the word of God.
- Belief: 58% of respondents strongly agree that the Church is critical to their relationship with God.
Top 3 by Highest Percentage Monthly or More Often
- Frequency: 96% responded that they attended Mass monthly or more over the past year.
- Frequency: 90% responded that they participated in individual prayer time with God monthly or more over the past year.
- Frequency: 50% responded that they participated in Catholic Devotions such as praying the rosary, novenas, and special feast days, monthly or more over the past year.
Other Strengths of the Diocese
- Recommend parish school: 65% of respondents strongly agree that they would recommend the parish Catholic school to a friend.
- Recommend pastor: 57% of respondents strongly agree that they would recommend their pastor to a friend.
- Recommend parish: 57% of respondents strongly agree that they would recommend their parish to a friend.
- Recommend parish religious education: 52% of respondents strongly agree that they would recommend their parish's religious education to a friend.
The DMI Survey also identified areas of opportunity for growth in the Diocese.
Top 3 by Lowest Percentage Strongly Agree
- Growth via music deepens participation: 30% of respondents strongly agree that the music offered at Mass deepens their desire to participate more fully in the Sunday Liturgy.
- Growth via discipleship formation: 26% of respondents strongly agree that the parish is helping to form them as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Conversations: 17% of respondents strongly agree that they are growing their confidence in the Church’s teachings so they can answer other's questions.
Top 3 by Lowest Percentage Monthly or More Often
- Frequency: 3% of respondents invited a man to consider a vocation to the priesthood monthly or more in the past year; this represents 83 responses of 11,494.
- Frequency: 1% of respondents invited someone to consider a vocation to religious life monthly or more in the past year; this represents 106 responses of 11,499.
- Frequency: 0% of respondents participated in a retreat monthly or more in the past year; this represents 46 responses of 11,424 responses.
Using insights from the DMI survey, the Diocese of Allentown will take important steps to become stronger and more vibrant.
Twelve parishes have been selected to participate in the intensive in-person and intensive virtual tracks, and they have already begun receiving support from Leadership Consultants.
In a few years, all parishes in the Diocese will retake the DMI survey to evaluate their progress, and we will review the overall results for the Diocese once more.
Please see a condensed printout of the results of the DMI Survey for the Diocese of Allentown here.
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