The Diocese of Allentown concluded its Lenten Retreat Series on the “Mystery of the Eucharist” at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena in Allentown on Monday, March 18th. The series reached all corners of the Diocese, with different speakers at parishes in Schuylkill Haven, Lehighton, Roseto, and Reading every Monday night for five weeks.
Each retreat included Adoration, confession, and a talk on a topic related to the Eucharist. The series culminated with guest speaker, Father John Trigilio. Father Trigilio is President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy; a retreat director and speaker; and a Catholic radio and television host with over 25 years of experience presenting on EWTN.
One hundred fifty attendees gathered at the Cathedral in Allentown on Monday night, including Bishop Alfred Schlert.
Father Trigilio took to the pulpit to speak on his topic for the evening: “Holy.” He began by explaining that “holy” is any place, person, or thing that serves the one, true God and therefore is elevated to a supernatural level like the Holy Trinity, the Holy Family, the Church, the Sacraments, and of course, the Holy Eucharist.
He pointed out that because we are made in God’s image, we are called to be holy as well. We are invited into His holiness, so we may be holy ourselves.
He encouraged attendees to receive the Sacraments, “The confessional is an ER for your soul.” We are absolved of our sin and receive graces to help us continue growing in holiness. “Holiness is a participation in the divine life,” he clarified.
He went on to explain that places can also be holy, giving the example of the church:
“This Cathedral is holy because the Sacrifice of the Mass takes place here every day.
The bishop ordains deacons and priests here. Man and woman become husband and wife here. People are baptized and confirmed.”
Father Trigilio paralleled the Church to the temple of the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament. It was the original sanctuary of the Holy of Holies. The high priest could only go behind the curtain and be in the presence of the Ark once a year. It was so holy, nobody could enter. But in the New Testament, Jesus dies on Good Friday and the curtain is ripped. Father Trigilio explained that when Jesus died for us, He pulled back the veil and revealed the Holy of Holies, “not tablets of stone, not an ark, but God Himself. The Holy One.”
Jesus invites us into His Holiness by offering Himself up, body and blood, so that we may enter into divine life with Him for eternity, “He feeds us with His very self. Holy Communion makes us holy.”
He explained that it is our destiny to be with God in heaven, but we have to open our hearts to receive His graces through frequenting the Sacraments, “In heaven we will see God face to face. We will be in His presence and we will be completely holy as His beloved children. We do the best we can. And when we fall, He gives us a Sacrament to get back up.”
Lastly, Father Trigilio concluded by encouraging listeners to surrender in prayer, “When we come to prayer, don't worry if you don't have a lot to say. It's even better when you have nothing to say. You're just basking in His holiness. You are present. You're there for Him and He's there for you. This is the awesome gift of the Real Presence.”
Listen to Father Trigilio’s talk here.
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