A Filipino tradition rooted in the 16th century, the nine-day novena of Masses known as Simbang Gabi was held from Dec. 14 through Dec. 23, 2024, at St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton.
It was the 20th observance of Simbang Gabi in the Diocese of Allentown, whose Filipino Catholic Community (FCCDA) sponsors the event each year as a spiritual preparation for Christ's birth.
Introduced to the Philippines by Spanish friars, Simbang Gabi originally took place in the early morning, earning the name “Misa de Gallo” (“Mass of the Rooster”). Since the Filipinos were mainly farmers who would begin their day at dawn, morning was the most practical time to gather for prayer.
Nowadays, many parishes opt for evening observances of Simbang Gabi. This is especially true in the United States, where winter weather can make it difficult to get to morning Mass.
At St. Jane’s evening Simbang Gabi, Bishop Alfred Schlert celebrated the Dec. 23 Mass, noteworthy for its inclusion of the Gloria (“Glory to God in the highest…”). Normally omitted from Advent liturgies, the Gloria is permitted by the Church for use in the celebration of joyous Simbang Gabi Masses.
Noting the expectant tone of the Mass, Bishop Schlert said, “The responsorial psalm tonight told us to ‘lift up our heads and see because our salvation is near at hand.’ And here we are on Dec. 23, and no truer words could be spoken regarding the celebration of Christ's birth, when salvation came to us. That celebration for us is near at hand.”
Simbang Gabi devotions are not only a means of preparing the hearts of the faithful for Christmas, but also of honoring the Blessed Mother, “the finest example of hopeful and joyful expectation.”
“This series of Masses that is a rich part of the Filipino culture is indicative of what all of us should be doing in the Advent season: day by day, preparing for the coming of the Lord,” said the Bishop.
“Yes, for the anniversary of His birth, yes, for His second coming, whenever that will be, and yes, for when we are called to give an accounting of our own lives. Our lives really are lives of preparation.
“We say in every Mass that we await in joyful hope the coming of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Every day is a type of Advent day, where we await like Mary did, await like Joseph did, await like Elizabeth and Zechariah did, await like John the Baptist did.”
The congregation of approximately 150 was comprised largely of families, many wearing festive clothing. The vibrant liturgy was enhanced by the Filipino Catholic Community Choir, which provided both vocal and instrumental accompaniment. While the Mass readings and prayers were in English, the hymns were sung in Filipino.
Normally, a different priest presides at each of the nine Simbang Gabi Masses. Among the celebrants at this year’s novena were two bishops: our own Bishop Schlert and Filipino-born Bishop Efren Veridiano Esmilla of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Father Keaton Eidle, Assistant Pastor of St. Jane, presided on the sixth night of the novena.
Before giving the final blessing, Bishop Schlert thanked the Knights of Columbus, who had provided an Honor Guard during the Mass processional. The Bishop also invited “any man in the Filipino community to consider enrolling” in the Knights, an organization that is “very steadfast in its witness to the Catholic faith.”
A post-Mass potluck supper took place in the parish center, where participants enjoyed fellowship and savored traditional Filipino dishes.
Photos by Ed Koskey.
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