On Dec. 6, 2024, Holy Family Senior Living, Bethlehem, dedicated their new statue of the Holy Family to our Shepherd, Bishop Alfred A. Schlert. The statue overlooks the entrance of the campus, inspiring hope in everyone who arrives. The striking statue was made in Italy and features The Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Christ Child.
Joseph Shadid, the Chief Executive Officer of Holy Family Senior Living, shared that Bishop Schlert’s constant encouragement throughout the Covid pandemic made a lasting impact, “He was a Shepherd throughout the Covid years – always telling me, ‘Hey Joe, God bless your work.’ He empowered me when I was working many hours a week. His words were a fuel to my engine. He doesn’t know how [much] he helped me.”
Fr. Allen Hoffa, Pastor of Holy Guardian Angels in Reading and a member of the Board of Directors for Holy Family Senior Living, led the statue’s dedication and shared a similar message: “Do not be hopeless; do not despair.”
Bishop Schlert expressed his gratitude for the honor of this dedication, “It’s very humbling to stand here and see something dedicated in your name. The features of the statue are so detailed and human.” He also shared that his own family has lived at Holy Family Senior Living. “My grandmother spent her last days here. My mom spent her last days here. My dad did rehab here. Our family will always be grateful for that.”
Bishop Schlert acknowledged the employees of Holy Family, “I want to turn my attention to those who serve at Holy Family Senior Living. I’m more grateful for those who deliver meds, pass food trays, change soiled linens. Those are the people who really need our ‘thanks.’ I want to stay focused on the people who do the work, day in and day out. I thank you and accept this beautiful honor, but I want it to reflect on those who make Holy Family what it is.”
The dedication was followed by a lunch held at the Holy Family Senior Living facilities.
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