Holy Ghost Parish in Bethlehem Attends March for Life

The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. took place on Friday, January 19th, 2024. Wintery conditions threatened to dissuade attendees from marching, but thousands of dedicated protestors walked miles to the Capitol, despite the snow.

Ninety-three individuals from the Diocese of Allentown braved the cold for the Pro-Life cause. Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Bethlehem led the snowy expedition, bringing along parishioners from St. Joseph the Worker, Orefield and St. Thomas More, Allentown. Holy Ghost's Parochial Vicar, Father David Lopez, shared, "We treated it like a pilgrimage. Any difficulty was just another opportunity for grace." Parishioner Mary Vigilante echoed, "God always provides great opportunities to witness His way. We were able to be patient in delay and have gratitude for minor inconveniences, which could have always been worse."

Attendees joyfully and peacefully marched for the lives of the unborn, proving that adversity may be conquered with great love.

The Diocese of Allentown encourages all parishioners to attend the Pennsylvania March for Life, which will be taking place on September 23rd, 2024. Learn more here.

Photo: Julia Krysztopik


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