Lehighton Clothing Drive Supports Local Community

Throughout the month of August, SS. Peter & Paul Church, Lehighton, held their annual clothing drive. They collected a total of 627 bags filled with clothing, shoes, and toys. The Parish received donated items from parishioners and the Franklin Township Fire Co. in Lehighton.

Deacon Joe Wilhelm and several parish volunteers helped to organize the project each year. The bags are picked up by A & E Clothing Corp., a used clothing store in New Jersey. A&E pays the parish based on the total weight of the items. The funds help support the Parish’s St. Vincent De Paul Society, a group that serves the local community in Lehighton in a variety of ways.

“I called Father Zelonis to schedule a visit to discuss PREP and CYO, and got more than I bargained for,” said Kristin Osenbach, Director of Evangelization and Formation. “Father Zelonis mentioned he would be loading a truck before our visit, so I figured I would go and help; we could talk while we worked.”

“Everyone was very welcoming. I had a blast helping the parishioners transfer the bags into the truck. It’s also pretty awesome to see the Pastor join in to help,“ Osenbach added.


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