His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert, made the following appointments, effective August 25, 2020:
Reverend David M. Anthony, Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Orefield also to Chaplain, Catholic Campus Ministry, Saint Christopher Catholic Newman Center, Kutztown University, Kutztown.
Reverend Richard C. Brensinger, Chaplain, Catholic Campus Ministry, Saint Christopher Catholic Newman Center, Kutztown University, Kutztown to Administrator, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Allentown.
Reverend Anthony M. Drouncheck, Chaplain, Holy Family Manor, Bethlehem to Retired Priest of the Diocese of Allentown.
Reverend Richard W. James, from Graduate Studies, Rome to Administrator, Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Bally.
Reverend Speratus Kamanzi, A.J., from service outside the Diocese of Allentown to Pastor, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Allentown.
Reverend Gregory R. Karpyn, Administrator, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Allentown and Administrator, Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Allentown, to Senior Priest, Diocese of Allentown and Chaplain, Holy Family Manor, Bethlehem with Residence at Holy Family Villa, Bethlehem.
Reverend G. Jose Kochuparambil (Fr. Johnson), Administrator, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Allentown to Administrator, Most Blessed Trinity Parish, Tremont and Sacramental Ministry, Hispanic Community, Divine Mercy Parish, Shenandoah.
Reverend John S. Pendzick, Pastor, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, Whitehall also to Administrator, Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Allentown.
Reverend Paul L. Rothermel, Pastor, Most Blessed Trinity Parish, Tremont to Substitute Sacramental Ministry for Parishes in the Diocese of Allentown.
Reverend Mark R. Searles, Chaplain, Allentown Central Catholic High School, Allentown and Director, Office for Vocations Promotion also to Chaplain, Catholic Campus Ministry, Saint Christopher Catholic Newman Center, Kutztown University, Kutztown.
Deacon Arcadio Leon, Permanent Deacon, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Allentown to Permanent Deacon, Holy Infancy Parish, Bethlehem.
Bishop Schlert also made the following appointments, effective July 21, 2020:
Reverend Frans J. Berkhout, Chaplain, Saint Luke’s University Health Network, Fountain Hill also to Administrator pro tempore, Saint Ursula Parish, Fountain Hill.
Reverend Kevin J. Bobbin, Chaplain, Bethlehem Catholic High School, Bethlehem to Parochial Vicar, Notre Dame Parish, Bethlehem.
Reverend Daniel E. Kravatz, Parochial Vicar, Notre Dame Parish, Bethlehem to Chaplain, Bethlehem Catholic High School, Bethlehem and Chaplain, Notre Dame High School, Easton, with Residence, Saint Anne Parish, Bethlehem.
Reverend Eugene P. Ritz, Chaplain, Notre Dame High School, Easton to Judge, Diocesan Tribunal with Residence, Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Orefield.
Reverend Adam C. Sedar, Secretary for Clergy, Diocese of Allentown also to Pastor, Saint Nicholas Parish, Walnutport.
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