The Diocese of Allentown will be hosting a special Mass for all Altar Servers who serve throughout our five counties. Bishop Alfred A. Schlert will be the celebrant. This celebration holds special significance for the Bishop, who wishes to express his appreciation for those who serve their parish in this important ministry.
The Mass will be held on April 13th at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena in Allentown. Altar servers are encouraged to arrive at 10:30 a.m.
During the Mass, altar servers may choose to participate in the entrance procession. Those wishing to process into the Cathedral will proceed to the Parish Activity Center for vesting, located below the Cathedral. Servers are welcome and encouraged to vest for the Mass, as it contributes to the solemnity and reverence of the occasion. Those not wishing to process in the entrance procession may opt to sit with their family in the Cathedral.
Following the Mass, Bishop Schlert invites altar servers and their families to join him for some refreshments in the Parish Activity Center. This will be an opportunity for fellowship and a chance to meet other altar servers who have generously answered the Lord’s call to serve in this ministry.
Invitations for the Altar Server Mass were mailed out in March. If you have not received an invite and would like to R.S.V.P. by April 5th, please contact Maggie Riggins at:
Click here for more information on the Altar Server Mass.