Bishop Schlert Issues Statement on Voting as a Civic Duty

The following is a statement by The Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert, Bishop of Allentown, regarding voting as a civic duty:

"As we approach Election Day, we are reminded of our solemn duty as citizens to cast our vote on November 5th. Voting is a privilege that has been preserved for us by the sacrifice of scores of men and women who died for our Country and by the dedication of our fellow citizens who served in our military, even to this day.

May we all fulfill the gift of democracy by voting after sufficient prayer, reflection, and deliberation, and by acting with the calmness and civility that are indicative of 'one Nation under God.'

Let us join together in prayer for our Country and for one another, that we may all be guided to act as men and women of good will."

+ Bishop Alfred A. Schlert


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