Many people have been adding their names to our email distribution list to get this newsletter and to get access to the new and improved online edition of the diocesan newspaper, the AD Times.
If you are new here, welcome! I hope you are enjoying AD Today, your source for the latest news about all things Catholic.
I invite you to check our news website often, at In addition to news from our Diocese, you’ll also find Vatican News, Catholic news from around the nation and the world, and even movie reviews. Just click on “Catholic News Service” under the “News” tab in the top navigation bar.
The link to the latest edition of the AD Times is always at the bottom left of this email. With the improved online version, it’s very easy to flip through the pages and click on an article to expand it.
If you prefer not to wait for your printed AD Times to come in the mail, or if you would like to help save paper and save the Diocese money on printing and postage, I would encourage you to cancel your paper subscription. Just send me a quick email containing your name and mailing address at
Also, if you know of others who would like the convenience of receiving their own copy of this weekly email, send me their email addresses at
As always, I welcome any comments you may have on our efforts to keep you informed as the Diocese of Allentown continues the mission of the Church in Berks, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill counties. Just send your comments to that same email address.
Thank you very much!
Paul Wirth, Diocesan Communications Director
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