Bishop Issues New Masking Requirements for Distribution of Holy Communion and for Ushers

Bishop Alfred Schlert has reinstated several safety precautions because of the spread of the Coronavirus Delta Variant as Catholics in the Diocese prepare for the Mass attendance obligation to resume August 15:

  • All priests, deacons and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be wearing masks while distributing Holy Communion at Mass, regardless of their vaccination status.
  • Ushers will be wearing masks when greeting parishioners, and while taking up the collection, regardless of their vaccination status.
  • All ministers of Holy Communion will be required to use sanitizing stations.
  • The Sign of Peace and Distribution of the Precious Blood (drinking from the Chalice) remain suspended.

The new safety requirements were contained in a letter to priests and deacons August 6 and are effective immediately.

The Diocese continues to monitor virus conditions, and information provided by health professionals and public health authorities.

Here is an article with more details about the August 15 return of the obligation for Catholics in the Diocese of Allentown to attend Mass on weekends and holy days of obligation.

Here is some practical advice for anyone concerned about returning to Mass.

The Bishops of Pennsylvania issued a joint statement today (8/6) with additional information related to the return of the Mass attendance obligation.


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