Bishop Schlert Asks Faithful to Observe Ember Days

His Excellency, Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert encourages the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Allentown to celebrate the Ember Days for the Season.

Ember Days are quarterly observances with three days set aside (Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday) to pray in gratitude for the blessings of the season and human labor, to thank God publicly. There are twelve Ember Days in all.

In particular, the Advent Ember Days are a heightened time of expectation and waiting in preparation for Christmas. Fasting and abstinence would follow the current laws of the Church, with abstaining being from all meat, and fasting would be one full meal a day, with the allowance of two smaller meals that do not equal the main meal, and no eating between meals.

The Advent Ember Days for 2023 are as follows: Wednesday, December 20, 2023, Friday, December 22, 2023, and Saturday, December 23, 2023.


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