"Together with Catholics and all men and women of good will, the priests, deacons, religious men and women, seminarians, and the lay faithful of our Diocese mourn the loss of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,” said Bishop Alfred Schlert, in commenting on the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died Dec. 31 in Rome.
“He was a faithful son of the Church, and he used his considerable spiritual and intellectual gifts in service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was a champion of clarity regarding the constant teachings of the Church.
“Like many who met him, I found him to be a gentle, affable shepherd who truly cared for the person standing before him.
“May Pope Emeritus Benedict receive the reward of the good and faithful servant, as our prayers accompany his soul to Eternal Life.”
A special Diocesan Memorial Mass for the Pope Emeritus will be scheduled at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena. Bishop Schlert will be the main celebrant and homilist. Details will be announced when they are available.
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