Christmas is more than one day; it’s an entire season of the Church year, from Christmas Eve straight through January 10, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord.
This year, with its uncertainty and challenges, is a good time to embrace the entire Christmas Season, taking advantage of all that our Church and our parishes have to offer during this special and holy time.
Celebrate Christmas Now (#CelebrateChristmasNow) is a series of on-line and livestream events and resources put together by the Diocese to supplement in-person Masses during Christmas. It’s also a way to help people stay connected to their parishes, including through online financial support.
Here is what Celebrate Christmas Now has to offer:
- Special Livestream Masses, on key feasts and holy days during the Christmas Season. See the list of Masses at the end of this article, or click here for a full listing. When it's time for Mass, just click the banner image on the AD Today home page or on the Diocese of Allentown Facebook page.
- Seminarian sing-alongs. Those studying for the Priesthood took the time to record videos of their favorite Christmas songs, passing along their joy in the Christmas Season as a special gift to the faithful. Watch AD Today and your email for links, or click here for the whole playlist.
- Special email greetings from the Diocese throughout the Christmas Season, including Christmas and New Year’s greetings from Bishop Schlert. If you are not on our email list, sign up using the “Subscribe” button on the front page of AD Today
- Special articles in AD Today on topics like blessing your manger scene at home, and on special prayers for use at various times in the season.
- Resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Visit their Christmas 2020 page here.
- Parish events. May parishes have special livestream Masses or other events this Christmas Season. Check with your parish for details.
For those attending Mass in person during this Christmas Season, Celebrate Christmas Now is an ideal way to use additional online resources to more deeply celebrate the Birth of Our Lord. For those unable to attend Mass in person, it’s a way to help stay connected to the true meaning of Christmas, and also to stay connected to your parish, including continuing you regular parish financial support.
Best wishes for a Happy and Holy Christmas Season!
Here are the special Masses available by livestream on AD Today or on the Diocese Facebook page:
12/24/20 – Christmas Eve – Cathedral (Bishop Schlert) – 10pm
12/25/20 – Christmas Day – Saint Francis of Assisi (Msgr. Finelli) – 10:30am
12/27/20 – Feast of the Holy Family - Holy Family Parish, Minersville (Father Stokes) – 8:30am
12/27/20 - Feast of the Holy Family – Vespers Service, Holy Ghost Church (Father Searles) – 7:00pm
12/28/20 – Feast of the Innocents - St. Anne Church, Bethlehem (Father Mongiello) – 8:45am
1/1/20 – Solemnity of Mary – Queenship of Mary Parish (Father Lamb) - 9:00am
1/3/21 – Epiphany – Holy Infancy Parish (Bishop Schlert) – 10:00am
1/6/21 – Ordination Mass – Cathedral (Bishop Schlert) – 10:30am
1/10/20 – Feast of the Baptism of the Jesus – Saint Joseph Parish (Father Hoffa) – 8:00am
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