Get ready for another helping of clerical culinary creativity.
It’s another year of Cooks With Collars, the wildly popular collection of cooking videos made by priests in the Diocese of Allentown.
“Cooks With Collars: Second Serving” begins Jan. 28 and runs through March 1 on the Cooks With Collars website which will feature over 30 Diocesan priests and their creative cooking videos. Diocesan social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram will be showcase Cooks from different parishes every day during the month of February.
The idea is that parishioners “vote” for their favorite priest, parish, or recipe by making a cash donation through the website. All voting proceeds go to parishes, while dollars from Cooks with Collars event sponsors provide support for Catholic Charities programs and services throughout the Diocese of Allentown.
“We’re all very excited for a second serving of Cooks with Collars,” said Paul Acampora, Executive Director of Stewardship and Development at the Diocese.
“Thanks to our priests and parishioners from across the Diocese, last year’s event was a great fundraising success for parishes and for Catholic Charities,” he said.
“Just as importantly, Cooks with Collars raised our spirits, connected our communities, and gave us great food for the body and for the soul,” Acampora said.
“We’re looking forward to kicking off this year’s Cooks with Collars contest on January 28 at Be sure to vote for your favorite Cooks!”
The videos, filmed in rectory or parish kitchens, feature the favorite dishes of priests across the five counties of the Diocese. There are bound to be some lighthearted moments along with some mouthwatering recipes.
Cooks With Collars is a chance to go behind the scenes and see what happens at dinnertime, when our priests hang up their vestments and slip on their aprons to make dinner.
Watch this short introductory video, then return to often over the next month.
In the photo above, Monsignor David James, Vicar General and Pastor of St. Peter Parish, Coplay, makes peanut brittle
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