Computers are great, but a place like Holy Family Manor still generates a lot of paper, and that calls for a lot of shredding to keep information confidential.
That’s where Kyle Parker comes in. He is the Holy Family Manor paper shredder, a match made in heaven for Kyle, for the Bethlehem long-term care home, and for Kyle’s family.
Kyle attended Mercy School for Special Learning until he was 21, and after that, his family was looking for opportunities for him to get additional work and community experience.
Meanwhile, Holy Family Manor was looking for someone to work part time in the shredder room. Tina Cuth, health information director at Holy Family Manor, belongs to the same parish as the Parkers, Assumption B.V. M. in Northampton. That happy coincidence that led to a job offer for Kyle.
“Kyle absolutely loves shredding. He always has. He learned it as part of his life skills training at Mercy,” said Sue Parker, Kyle’s mom. “Everyone at Holy Family Manor is so kind to him. They are like his other family.
“We are so grateful that Kyle has something that he looks forward to, and something that is useful,” she said. “We are glad he is able to give back to the Diocese after he received so much from his time at Mercy.”
“We never thought Kyle would have an opportunity like this,” she said. “This is God’s way of making everything work out.”
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