Priests of Diocese to Gather for Day of Prayer and Reflection

Priests from around the Diocese will gather next week for a day of prayer and reflection on the Sacred Priesthood as part of their personal preparations during Lent.

During the Day of Sanctification, which has become a Lenten tradition in the Diocese, priests will go to Confession, pray at Stations of the Cross, and participate in a Holy Hour.

The Rector and Pastor of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Father G. Dennis Gill, will be the keynote speaker. The day is scheduled for March 21 at St. Mary Parish, Hamburg.

“As priests, we gather during Lent for a day of inward focus, to pray and reflect on our priestly call to holiness, so that we are best able to serve the faithful in our parishes and schools,” said Bishop Alfred Schlert.

With regard to Confessions, some have asked how priests go to Confession. They do it the same way as everyone else – by confessing their sins to another priest, seeking forgiveness and absolution, and doing their penance.

Lent is an excellent time for all Catholics in the Diocese to go to Confession, also called the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Here is a plain-language guide to going to Confession.


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