St. Francis Retreat House in Easton will offer two weekend retreats this fall.
Dr. Christina R. Zaker, D.Min., the Director of Field Education and Adjunct Lecturer in Pastoral Ministry and Spirituality at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, will be offering “Surprised by God: Glimpses of Grace and the Courage to Respond” on September 16-18, 2022.
“As people who serve and accompany others, we often find it hard to slow down and recognize the movement of God in our own lives,” Dr. Zaker said. “Refining our skills of theological reflection is one critical way to attune our hearts to God’s presence and stay grounded on our journey of faith.”
Drawing from the wisdom of the parables, she will encourage participants to recognize God’s surprising nearness, to explore what that nearness means, and what it demands of Christians. Dr. Zaker is a practical theologian with a focus on cultivating reflective practitioners in a variety of settings.
The retreat center said this program will be valuable for all involved in ministry, spiritual direction, religious education, and those who want to grow deeper in their understanding of the parables and theological reflection. Onsite participation, with private room with bath, all meals, and materials, $285. Virtual participation: $100. Commuters: $210.
Father Greg Friedman, OFM, a veteran pilgrimage leader to Assisi, Rome, and the Holy Land, will be offering a weekend retreat called “Pilgrimage with St. Francis of Assisi” on September 30-October 2, 2022. During this retreat, Father Friedman will lead participants on a pilgrimage to four key places in the story of St. Francis.
“In the process we will seek to allow Francis’ journey to influence ours – conversion, vocation, identification with Christ, and a challenge to return to the world in Franciscan mission,” Father Friedman said.
Father Friedman is a Franciscan priest of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, with headquarters in Albuquerque, N.M. His style is one filled with historical and inspirational content along with artwork and photos.
Onsite participation, with private room with bath, all meals, and materials costs $270. Virtual participation: $80. Commuters: $195.
For more information or to register, please contact the retreat house via its website,, or by phone at 610-258-3053. Scholarships are available.

At left, Dr. Christina Zaker and Father Greg Friedman
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