The Eleventh Annual Diocesan Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19 at DeSales University in Center Valley.
The theme of the event is “Warriors for Christ,” and presenters will discuss how to be a good Catholic man in today’s complicated world.
There also is a Spanish-language track for the event.
The daylong event also will include opportunities for Confession, as well as Mass celebrated by Bishop Alfred Schlert.
Scheduled speakers include:
Devin Schadt, husband, father, author, and speaker who transmits the message of the glory, necessity, and power of fatherhood. He is the cofounder of the Fathers of St. Joseph, an apostolate that works for the renewal of authentic fatherhood, and the author of Joseph’s Way: The Call to Fatherly Greatness, and Show Us The Father: 7 Secrets To Be A Father On Earth Like the Father In Heaven.
Dr. Edward Sri, theologian, author, and well-known Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN. Each year he speaks to tens of thousands of people from around the world, including clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity. He also is the host of the acclaimed film series Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained and the presenter of several faith formation film series, including A Biblical Walk through the Mass; Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother; and Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John. He is a founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), where he currently serves as Sr. Vice President of Apostolic Outreach. Dr. Sri leads pilgrimages to Rome and the Holy Land each year and is the host of the weekly podcast “All Things Catholic.” He holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome and is an adjunct professor at the Augustine Institute. He resides with his wife Elizabeth and their eight children in Littleton, Colorado.
Father Patrick Lamb, pastor of Queenship of Mary Parish, Northampton. Father Lamb is a frequent presenter and known for his down-to-earth and practical spirituality. He is the host of a popular series of weekly reflections on his parish Facebook page. He serves on the Board of Directors of Kolbe Academy, a faith-based recovery high school in Bath.
For more information, visit the Commission for Men website,
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