While public Masses are suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic there are still ways you can “participate” in Mass. That is true for people who usually attend Mass that is celebrated in Spanish as well.
Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Easton livestreams a Mass in Spanish twice a week at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and 12 Noon on Sundays on the parish Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/667596886725236/?epa=SEARCH_BOX. If you miss the livestream, the Masses are archived for later viewing on the parish website www.olomercy.com . The pastor, Father Keith Laskowski, says the livestreamed Masses are a way to “stay connected in prayer” with his parishioners.
A bilingual Mass, in Spanish and Portuguese, is livestreamed by Father Andrew Gehringer, pastor of Holy Infancy Parish in Bethlehem. That Mass is at 9 a.m. Sundays on the parish Facebook page www.facebook.com/Holy-Infancy-Church-230539583989518/ . The Mass is then archived for those who were not able to be present for the livestream.
The Diocesan Office of Hispanic Affairs has also made available liturgical resources for people to use in their homes. They’re available at www.allentowndiocese.org/hispanic-ministry/eventos-del-ministerio-hispano
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