Orefield Man Has Worldwide Audience for His Bible Teaching

Mike Kotch teaches the Bible on 48 radio and television stations around the world, and has written 8 books about the Bible, yet he has no formal theological training.

“That’s what is so interesting about this,” he says. “I believe I am able to do it because God has called me to do it.”

Kotch, 53, is a parishioner of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Orefield. By occupation, he is a clinical psychologist who works as a counselor and therapist.

The seed for his Bible teaching work was planted years ago, Kotch said, when he was inspired by God to begin reading the Bible, and later, when he received a divine inspiration to try his hand at writing. The radio and television programs followed from there.

One of his books, “Bible Summary for Catholics,” was edited by Father Kevin Bobbin and given an imprimatur (an official approval) by Bishop Alfred Schlert. Other books Kotch has written include “Easy to Read Bible Summary for Teens and Adults,” “The Benefits of Trials for Christians,” and “The Good Things Jesus Does For Us, To Us, and Through Us When We Follow Him.”

Kotch’s recently completed series of weekly “Teaching the Bible” television shows airs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network in many countries of the world. They were recorded in the library of St. Joseph the Worker School. His radio program airs in North America on Family Talk Sirius XM Radio Channel 131 on Sundays at 11 p.m., he said.

For more information, see his website at www.TeachingTheBible.net, or his Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TeachingTheBible.net . Some of his television episodes can be viewed at https://www.tbnpacific.org.au/ttb


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