Imagine getting into Harvard University and then, once there, feeling as if you don’t belong. This is the exact story of best-selling author Adam Grant. His new book, Hidden Potential, details his own experience of imposter syndrome. After being admitted to Harvard, he then felt a wave of insecurity, immediately comparing himself to his fellow classmates. For anyone who hasn’t gotten into Harvard, this sounds like a wild tale. For Grant, it was quite real.
The book connects what he thought was the right disposition for success as a student with what science actually supports. It turns out that one’s potential is often far greater than what our culture promotes.
-Culture tells us that we have to be brilliant from birth and born into affluence.
-Culture tells us that we either have “it” or we don’t.
The truth is in reality far more gray, embedding human potential in each and every person. Catholic schools know this better than anyone. We see the presence of God in each student.
Earlier this week, over a dozen of our school leaders enjoyed a day of recollection, led by our Vicar for Clergy, Fr. Eugene Ritz. He detailed the life of Fr. Walter Ciszek, SJ and his passion for serving those most in need.
Fr. Ciszek could have easily been a victim of imposter syndrome, like Grant. Time and time again, he placed himself in difficult pastoral situations, often without adequate human support. Through it all, he relied heavily on God’s consistent provision, unlocking his potential for great sanctity and rich conversion.
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