Catholic Schools Ready if Coronavirus Delays In-person Return in Fall

With continuing uncertainty about how the Coronavirus will affect the usual return to classrooms in the fall, the leader of the Diocese’s Catholic school system has reassured parents that schools will adapt and be ready.

In a letter to parents today, Dr. Brooke Tesché, Chancellor of Catholic Education, said schools will be prepared to return to in-person classes, and also are planning for various other scenarios, depending on health and safety needs at the time.

“Catholic schools in the Diocese of Allentown will be ready for whatever the new school year brings,” Dr. Tesché said. “Whatever happens, we will continue to meet the spiritual, emotional, academic, and health and safety needs of your children.”

She acknowledged the impact of the virus on families and communities, physically, economically, and emotionally.

“Our school children have experienced the loss of milestone events like dances and graduations,” she wrote, “and they no longer have the simple joy of hallway chatter with their friends, and of playground games at recess. The upending of families’ daily routines has caused great anxiety for parents too. I recognize the loss and disruption the Coronavirus has caused, and I understand it.”

Dr. Tesché said school leaders pivoted quickly to substantive remote instruction, and have used the time since the Coronavirus ended in-person classes on March 13 to learn how to take best advantage of new technologies for virtual learning while keeping curriculums authentically Catholic.

She said schools also will use input from school families when designing an education plan that will be effective in each school location. “Parents, grandparents, and guardians are our most critical partners in the spiritual and academic growth of your children,” she wrote.

“As we approach the end of this academic year, be assured that we remain unwavering in our commitment to your children,” Dr. Tesché wrote. “We are grateful for your continued prayers and partnership as part of our faith family, and we will continue to educate and inspire the souls of our students.”


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